Help how to solve your migration validation errors
What is a Validation Error
"[X] This field is required"
"[lead] Object does not exist."
"[phones] {"1"=>{"phone"=>"Phone is not valid"}}"
"[addresses] {"errors"=>{"0"=>{"errors"=>[], "field-errors"=>{"state"=>"State \"X\" is not a valid choice."}}}}"
"[url] Invalid URL."
"[addresses] {"errors"=>{"0"=>{"errors"=>[], "field-errors"=>{"country"=>"Country \"X\" is not a valid choice."}}}}"
"This lead already has 200 contacts. You cannot add any more."
[Contact_id] You cannot use a Contact belonging to another Lead.
"Contact associations exceed limit of 1000"
"Files with unicode characters in the name are not supported"
"Exceeded association limit for portalId 2065966, fromObjectId 179349, associationType CONTACT_TO_ENGAGEMENT"
Must have scope tickets-write
One or more associations are invalid
email - Email address "x" is invalid
price - "x" was not a valid price
Path Structure is Invalid. Verify the folder path or file name does not contain invalid character sequences.
The value "x" in your field "y" is not in a valid 'number' format, which your field requires
Must have scope inbounddb-product-library-write
File size exceeds CMS Free max
"An error occurred while saving the file."
Why Do All of my Records Have "Followers"?
"Unknown Google Drive error."
"Related Google services cannot be accessed properly to fulfill this request. Please check your Google settings on Pipedrive, and reconnect with Google if needed."
"Cyrillic symbols in name don't supported by Pipedrive"
"Google Drive quota exceeded."
"Note/Activity could not be saved. Check your request"
"Name must be given."
"Couldn't find any opportunity stages/ No stages found"
"Invalid request: Invalid status: 'X'"
"Storage limit exceeded"
"X" - Data value too large
"Invalid cross reference id"
"Field integrity exception: PricebookEntryId, unknown (versions 3.0 and higher must specify pricebook entry id, others must specify product id)"
"Operation performed with inactive user [xxxx] as owner of account"
"Reached maximum number of custom fields: Either you or your organization has exceeded the maximum number of custom fields allowed in the system. Please contact your administrator for more information."
"Record Type ID: this ID value isn't valid for the user: xxxx"
"Field integrity exception: 'X' (must be nonzero)"
"The record couldn’t be saved because it failed to trigger a flow. A flow trigger failed to execute the flow with version ID xx. Contact your administrator for help."
"Billing/Mailing Country Code: bad value for restricted picklist field: X"
"Insufficient access rights on cross-reference id:"
"Contract Term must be a positive value"
"Couldn't find price book entry in default price book for product 'X'"
"It looks like you are creating a duplicate Account/Contact/Lead. We recommend you use an existing Account/Contact/Lead instead."
"Mismatched integration value and ISO code for field: Billing State/Province Code"
"The BillingStateCode/MailingStateCode field contains 'X', which isn't an available state. Your administrator can add it for you."
"Couldn't find product by name 'XXX'"
"Attachment owner must be the same as the owner of the parent task or event"
"Converted Account empty for a Converted Lead"
"Reached maximum number of public tag definitions"
"Date: invalid date: 'X'"
Required field missing - "X"
Documents in a user's private library must always be owned by that user.
Duplicate value found for "x"
Entity type cannot be inserted: Campaign
Unable to create/update fields: "x". Please check the security settings of this field and verify that it is read/write for your profile or permission set.
Can't associate a lead or contact to a household account
"Import attachment for ticket [xxxx] failed due to Zendesk API error: Attachment is too large. Limit 20 megabytes" - how to resolve this data validation error?
"Requester is suspended"
Email "x" is not properly formatted
"User must be an agent to be in a group"
"X" has already been taken
Import of attachment failed due to Zendesk API error
"X" is required when solving a ticket
User "X" is not a member of group "Y"
"Email: 'x' cannot be used; it is in use as a support address"
"Status: is invalid"
"The linked problem you selected is not a valid problem ticket"
Message: [Resource Not Found]
"Requester is invalid"
"Attachments xxx not imported. Reason: Connection reset by peer"
"This Zendesk account has expired/ Your account has been suspended"
Errors Connecting to Zendesk
Zendesk spam protection service blocked import of this ticket